10 Career Opportunities in the Video Game Industry

Video Game Industry

A majority of video game companies entail a team and staff for extensive development. They would address all levels of different game designs ranging from the initial stage to the finished product. Every department would play a significant role in the gaming industry. They all would ensure to work in tandem for a seamless gaming experience.

Let us delve into the ten career opportunities in the video gaming industry.

Game designer

They are required to develop the concept, characters, storyline, dialogue, and rules of the game. The designer would be required to determine the difficulty level of the game along with the kind of obstacles encountered by the player.


The video game producer would be required to take care of the business along with the marketing aspects of the game development. It would be inclusive of managing the budget as well. The job of the producer would be to oversee production, helm the schedule, and manage the development team. It would also be important for the producer to ensure the deliverables are completed within time.

Concept artist

During the early development cycle, the concept artist would be required to work with the art director for shaping the appearance of a video game. It would be important before the game enters production. They would create the initial appearance and tone of the game.

Gaming programmers

It would entail writing the code for the game. They would also be required for producing playable versions for the prototype and the release of the game. A programmer would be helpful in the smooth running of the game.

Project manager

The project manager would oversee all the development processes of the game. The manager would ensure to meet the milestones and serve as a link between the executives and the design team members. They would anticipate the prospective risks and problems they could encounter. They would be required to provide a solution to deal with any obstacles they encounter.


The scriptwriter would create the narratives and dialogue for the plot of the game and the advancement of the story. On the other hand, the technical writers would emphasize creating supplemental documents and instructional manuals for the game.

Game writers

The game artists would be responsible for the appearance and feel of the assets in the game. The sound designers along with audio engineers would be an integral aspect of the process. They create the sounds in the game.

Level designer

The designer would be required to create the levels and missions in the video game. They draw inspiration from the concept of art for creating an environment that the user could believe.


A localization specialist would translate the game script along with the dialogue when the game is shifted to another nation. They would also be responsible for noting the cultural sensitivities to make adequate adjustments to the game. It would be important for the game to fit within the censorship laws of the nation.

Quality assurance

The quality assurance or QA would test the game during the development process. They would play through titles several times, preparing detailed reports of any crashes or bugs they come across in the game.