Personal Branding : Examples & Strategy to Branding Yourself

“How to build a personal brand?” is a common question of many individuals. Because personal branding is important to build authority in an industry to influence a large audience. In this guide we will cover everything about building a personal brand with examples and strategy.

You have definitely heard about business branding, which is common to get businesses visible to the audience. But how often have you thought about branding yourself? More than half of the people do not realize the importance of personal branding. The reality is that in today’s era, where everything is online, self-branding has impeccable benefits.

Your customers would love to connect with you. They would love to know more about you as it gives them a sense of trust.

We all know how companies and celebrities have their personal brands. Actors, athletes, and businesses were the most influential people that got all the attention. Just take your time out and use Google to check how ordinary people worldwide are making use of the self-branding tools. Especially in social media, as this is a great tool for developing a personal brand.

If you wish to manage the way people perceive you offline, you have to connect to them. To ensure that you and your business values match with them, you require comprehensive knowledge.

So, here we will find out some details about self-branding.

What do you mean by personal branding?

Personal branding is the technique and process of promoting yourself. It requires years of experience and a unique combination of skills to show what you wish to show the world. It is more like you telling your story and the world perceiving it the way you want.

The entire process of creating and influencing the public with your presence is personal branding. It can be obtained by differentiating yourself from the competition and by improving your reputation.

Even when you have a business that has been performing great, building a personal brand can be a great way to represent yourself. You can show your specialties, uniqueness and selling points. It can encompass every possible way of promoting and creating a public persona.

No more one needs to be a celebrity or an athlete; anyone can enjoy the benefits of personal branding. These days anyone can gain recognition by choosing a proper personal branding strategy.

Some Examples of Personal Branding

If you have just started and want inspiration for yourself, you will find many. There are a myriad of personal branding examples in the market. It starts from understanding what you wish to become, and developing a personal brand happens automatically.

Tony Robbins: You certainly have heard about Tony Robbins. He is a controversial figure who is known everywhere. Regardless of whether you like him or not, it is certain that everyone is aware of the name.

He is popular for the seminars he holds and the self-help books. The prime reason for such success is his attractive personality and energy. His fans would perceive him more by his confidence and strength.

Kim Garst: Kim Garst is another example who is popular for her selling powers. Her entire business success revolved around her image. She is forever confident and never shy of showing things off to convince her audience.

Her presence on her social media profiles has added to her strength. She is someone to posts relevant content on a frequent basis to keep her viewers attracted. Her fans already know that she will be there whenever they need help.

Bill Nye: Bill Nye, who is the science guy, is one of the fantastic self-branding examples. Since his TV debut, he is popular as a science-loving and global warming advocate. As he used to wear a lab coat on the show to develop a website completely devoted to scientific content, Bill Nye has his own viewer base.

These are the most common self-branding examples that you can find in the market. However, if you are also willing to enjoy the advantages, check the personal branding strategy. These tricks will make you a branding expert.

Effective personal branding strategies:

1. Find a niche of your own

Selecting a niche properly is the very first step. You certainly would not like to spend your energy and time by linking with a niche that has the slightest probability of growing.

So, you need to pick a niche that can help you to do better things. It does not necessarily mean that you must have the expertise.

The best way of developing a personal brand is by having recognized authority on topics. If you think you know a definite aspect of the topic, go for it. You don’t have to know everything about the space but offering complete detail of a specific part is enough.

2. Give your voice to the brand

Finding the potential market where your skills will be valued is the first successful step. The next most crucial thing is giving personality to the brand. It is more about developing a tone for your brand.

You can take different examples mentioned above, and you will find everyone has their own tone. So, whatever you say and the way you represent it creates a tone. It becomes the personality of your brand.

3. Keep your social media accounts up to date

There is no secret that social media is a big platform for anyone. Whether you are a business or not, social media is a place where you will get thousands of active users.

So leverage the potential of the social platforms and keep your viewers updated. You have to make sure that your viewers are never bored or have to wait for long.

You also need to create your own site apart from your social media accounts. A properly created site with information which one could be looking for can help to improve your personal brand.

Whether it is a social media account or your personal website, including a personal brand logo is a mandate. It helps your audience to recognize you easily.

4. Create a content strategy

You need to analyze your market and create content accordingly. Like Neil Patel has an audience who loves long-form content, he keeps delivering such. Accordingly, you have to analyze and keep creating content.

But before that, you require to create a perfect content strategy. This will guide you in the upcoming stages. A strategy based on your audience’s needs can have a huge impact on your personal branding strategy. However, in later stages, you might need a personal branding agency for successful personal brand management.

5. Post frequently and be truthful

One of the most common tricks to get success in building a personal brand is to use your voice or words regularly. If you have a blog website, you must create blog posts with your tone and personality regularly.

However, if you are someone who creates videos, you must pay attention to creating content regularly. As we know, “five million blog posts are published daily”, which probably gives you an idea.

This means that not only the content needs to be great but it needs to be published daily. That’s why when you have a personal site where blogs are posted on a regular basis will enjoy greater rankings.

6. Keep a positive tone and be genuine

It is always recommended to use a personalized tone. Telling what you need to convey in the form of a story can encourage more viewers.

So you have to be genuine and always share content or stories with a positive tone. It will encourage your audience to come for you whenever they are looking for a product or solution.

7. Choose mentors

It can be extremely challenging to acquire success in an unknown field. So choosing a personal branding coach can help you to get better personal branding success.

You will need the best personal branding agency in the future. They will help to manage your personal branding as not always it is possible to manage larger scenarios.

Branding yourself has a large number of benefits. So, if you are aiming for personal branding, follow the strategies mentioned above. These tips can offer great results when done religiously. You can also choose a personal branding agency for the best results.